Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
Blessing for Unusual Creatures
There is a blessing to be recited upon seeing exceptionally strange looking people or animals, "Thank You G-d, Hashem, King of the universe for making the creatures different." Thus we acknowledge the diversity in the world.
This painting is for Beloria, who collects elephants and is an amazing and gracious hostess. |
Dimensions: 24 in. by 30 in.
Status: Unavailable
Angel Guarding Box System
A prayer for protection. |
Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Available
Darkness on the Surface of the Deep
From the opening of Genesis when everything was
potential: ...when the earth was astonishingly empty, with
darkness upon the surface of the deep, and the Divine
Presence hovered upon the surface of the waters... . Gen.
1:2 . |
Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
Fast Water Wine on the Table
Time rushes past like fast waters, the wine waits on the
table and we ask You for mercy.For Ariela Goldman. One of my favorite paintings--I like the composition and the elements. |
Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
Lauren Lights Shabbat Candles
For Lauren, who I love dearly. |
Dimensions: 36 in. by 36 in.
Status: Available
Making Noise with Blue Angel under Setting Suns
The angel sits on the steps in the later afternoon. The sun
keeps setting, we keep dancing and making music. |
Dimensions: 36 in. by 36 in.
Status: Available
Red Mountain Blue Angel Yellow Light
Blessed be He Who spoke and the world came into being. |
Dimensions: 30 in. by 48 in.
Status: Available
Psalm 33 with a Sheep and a Winged Cat
Dimensions: 24 in x 30 in
Status: Available
Rivkah said I Will Go
Rivkah was asked if she would go with Isaac. From this we learn that a family must obtain a woman's consent in an arranged marriage.
Dimensions: 36 in x 24 in
Status: Available
Waiting Near the Pool as the Sun Sets
Intersection of worlds.