Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
Window Upward and Inward for Elise
In Judaism (and its offshoots) God is transcendent, not
immanent, so the soul is not part of God as it is in Eastern
religions. So how does one find God? The mind's eye must
turn inward towards the soul and then upwards towards
God. For Elise, I hope she found herself. |
Dimensions: 24 in. by 36 in.
Status: Unavailable
She is Waiting By the Steps
And she is waiting by the steps by the pool. |
Dimensions: 36 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
Ezekiel's Vision of the Chariot
Ezekiel describes the Chariot and Throne of God. His prophecy says that God is not only on the mountain, but can be wherever the Jewish people are, even in their exile, God and His throne are with them. These ideas are discussed in Professor Glenn Holland's lecture series at the Teaching Company.
Dimensions: 24 in x 36 in
Status: Available
Tiger and Angel Guarding
Dimensions: 36 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
Red Chair Geometric Sunset
The Pre-Socratic mystic Pythagoras (he of the triangle) believed that God was revealed to us in Numbers and Math. Most people today can agree that our world is revealed to us in Math and Science and whether or not God has done the revealing is the philosophical question.
Dimensions: 24 in. by 36 in.
Status: Unavailable
Time Passing at the Ziggurat
Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Available
Waiting at the Edge of the Waters and Heavens for You