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Year:2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 1978

desert pool

Dimensions: 24 in. by 36 in.
Status: Unavailable
Desert Pool Near the Ruins
Turquoise pool near the ruins at night as the heat recedes. There is Jacob in the near distance, communing with angels. Genesis 28:16 is one of my favorite passages.

promise outline

Dimensions: 22 in. by 28 in.
Status: Available
Promise of Jerusalem
Even in the days of creation God promised Jerusalem. Painting shows the splitting of the waters above and below and Jerusalem in the future.

trails detail

Dimensions: 22 in. by 28 in.
Status: Available
May we be protected on our trails and travails. Psalm 100 is one of thanksgiving. Painted while I waited for the return of my sons from their first camping trip in Bishop in 2007, driving alone and sleeping in near freezing weather.

for devin

Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
Divine Light Manifests Within Vessels
Painted for Devin Morgan, a master yoga teacher. From Eliahu Klein's book on the Mysticism of Isaac Luria, founder of modern Kabbalah

joseph campbell said

Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
Joseph Campbell Said
This is a synthesis of Yoga classes where one of the goals is to pull yourself to a different place and the lecture series on Joseph Campbell, the deeply religious/spiritual mythologist who coined the phrase, "Follow your bliss." He said Motion = Time, Stillness = Eternity and God is the intersection of all lines. Painted for Amy Eyrie, an amazing yoga teacher on so many levels.


Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Available
Resplendent in Jewelry at Bethel with Jacob in the distance

king david detail

Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
King David Plays
From Psalm 146: Halleluyah! Praise Hashem, O my Soul! I will praise Hashem while I live, I will make music to my God while I exist. Do not rely on nobles, nor on a human being for he holds no salvation.

mark hetland

Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
For Mark Hetland a brilliant teacher
For one of my son's best teachers--an English teacher at Taft High School who made the kids read their papers aloud and thereby taught Barak to take pride in his work.

red triangle

Dimensions: 24 in. by 24 in.
Status: Available
Red Triangle at the Edge of Heaven
From "Kabbalah of Creation" by Eliahu Klein:
This is the meaning of the prayer:
"I form the light and create Darkness."
The one who forms light is revealed;
as it says "create Darkness,"
for he is a veil....
After they have been revealed,
these graces return as enveloping light
in order to illuminate him in the way of Emanation,
without any veil at all.


Dimensions: 22 in. by 28 in.
Status: Unavailable
Garden Outside the Ruins
My version of the Lion Gate of the Hittite Empire which is in modern day Turkey. However, the Hittite empire which fell apart around 1200 BCE at the end of the Bronze Age stretched all the way down to Egypt. The lions resemble bears and therefore Karmel has this painting.

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