Dimensions: 20 in. by 24 in.
Status: Unavailable
Scarlett Carle Gordon Wakamatsu OBM
This is a picture of Scarlett Carle Gordon Wakamatsu, of
blessed memory, and her son Seiichi Wakamatsu. |
Dimensions: 24 in x 36 in
Status: Unavailable
Wild Night at the Triangle
Her shoes are off--you know what that can mean. Strange creature in the background. The heavens are cooperating.
Dimensions: 18 in x 36 in
Status: Unavailable
Sarrica the Bat Mitzvah
For lovely Sarrica on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah when she became a Daughter of the Commandments.
Dimensions: 36 in x 36 in
Status: Unavailable
Do Not Fear
For a lovely family that had to wait a long time for children.
Dimensions: 24 in x 30 in
Status: Unavailable
Welcoming the Shabbat
The glow from heaven on the mountains as she pepares to welcome the Shabbat into her house. |
Dimensions: 36 in x 36 in
Status: Unavailable
A New House for Rosana
A present for Rosana on the occasion of building a new house.
Dimensions: 24 in. by 48 in.
Status: Available
Angel of War
My reaction to the Israeli War of 2006. May God protect the nation. |
Dimensions: 18 in x 36 in
Status: Available
Angel with a Water Pitcher
Prayers for peace during the war
Dimensions: 24 in x 36 in
Status: Unavailable
Angels Nearby in Suburbia